SwiftDAR is a solution that enables efficient database management through an organization’s journey that typically involves exponential data growth. SwiftDAR enables historical data management and data life cycle management while ensuring compliance and mitigating data retention risks. It also provides insights into historical data and supports businesses to manage and archive data continuously.
Benefits of SwiftDAR

Data Compression:
Data Compression: Standard archival solutions can compress 30% of historical data. Compared to these standard solutions, SwiftDAR allows 70% of data to be compressed.
Enterprise Architecture:
SwiftDAR supports structured data (RDBMS), unstructured data, big data, and reports, while standard archival solutions only support structured data.
Data Cataloguing:
Metadata creation and data cataloguing are either manual or not supported in standard archival solutions. Metadata creation through deep neural learning and AI is possible with SwiftDAR. It also allows data cataloguing and provides a glossary for all archived systems.
Data Federation & Lineage:
AI-based data federation and archival are feasible with SwiftDAR. It also maintains data lineage among all archived systems. These features are either not supported or manually accessible through standard archival solutions.
Data Retrieval:
Standard archival solutions provide customer reports, query builder, and report builder. In addition to custom reports, data retrieval through NLP (English Text), critical data insights, visualisation, MIS, and dashboards are available with SwiftDAR.
Standard archival solutions offer basic security, while SwiftDAR offers enterprise-grade security features.
Information Life Cycle Management:
SwiftDAR supports AI-based identification of data heatmap & data governance policy-based information life cycle management. In standard archival solutions, information life cycle management is automated.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML):
These features are unavailable in standard archival solutions, whereas SwiftDAR provides these as enterprise grade solutions.